UNM Employee Wellness
- (505) 277-4996
- Adults
- Support/Peer Support
- Workshops
No Cost to Benefit Eligible Employees and Retirees
Sliding Scale:
No Cost to Benefit Eligible Employees and Retirees
No Cost to Benefit Eligible Employees and Retirees

What is the best way to access this service as a potential client/patient?
Request via website https://hr.unm.edu/wellness/counseling-services.
What is the best way to refer someone to this service?
Through our website https://hr.unm.edu/wellness/counseling-services.
What to expect when accessing services?
Wellness. Nutrition and, Physical Fitness Information and one-on-one support.
Wait time to first appointment?
1-7 days
Location Information
Campus Location
John and June Perovich Business Center (at the intersection of University Blvd and Lomas Blvd)
Mailing Address
Albuquerque, NM 87131